Sunday 12 October 2008

'Things that make you go hmm...' : and I say Hmmm..

"My head can be pretty messed up!
u know how i go from thought to thought in a matter of a few seconds..?"
-Abeer Saha

True to his word, the brilliant boy did not finish his thought.
Though he did leave quite a turbulent storm in my mind.
Jumping from thought to thought, i thought about how messed up his mind really might be. Then I thought how messed up my head might be and in the long run how messed up every ones head is.

What am I doing?

I am multi tasking.
Its what the "youth" is brilliant at.
I'm talking to said brilliant boy, discussing passwords.
"take these broken wings and learnt to fly again"
Random song playing on the radio.

What am I doing?

Didn't it start with messed up heads? Thoughts. they flicker and fade in and out of oblivion.
A completed thought.
what a treat.

What AM I doing here?
More importantly, Why am I still here?

I ask and ask.
I am answered by a volley of shouts in my messed up head.
I am surrounded by an answering silence.

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