Monday 30 January 2012

What's this? TWO posts in one day?!

So Ive decided to post atleast once a week.
I don't know about what.
If you have been reading whatever I've already posted, or you know me and found this by mistake, you'd know that I am CONVINCED I've lost my ability to write.
I have mother!
So this is my attempt to find those lost words and "turn of phrase"'s that used to flow out of me like a.. a..
See what I mean?

Anyway, Im hoping putting this up here for the 3 people who read this will motivate me to post. I feel like some kind of regime might be good for me.

Also, Ambika made me do the MMPI. Questionnaires like that always make me question myself and my character. The last few questions pertained to laziness and self motivation. I had to do SOMETHING productive.

This is productive.
So there.
I showed you, didn't I you stupid MMPI.
And as long as I've got you, why on earth would you want to know if I enjoy fixing door latches? Also, could you get more obvious with the questions about suicide? Depressed people don't know they are depressed! and they don't like to admit it if they do!

Ill attempt to be back with something worth reading in a few days.


Even I can't get myself to believe this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
