Sunday 10 June 2007

Adventures Abroad I

Currently in the queer land of queer eyed, noodle devouring people!
Singapore's the name of the game.
Arrival: 8th june 2007
Day one: Slumber and Aquaintance(in that order)
Day two: The zoo. Accompanied by a monkey of a brother, a midget of a sister, my family and other animals. Fed a few roos.
Day three: Shopping. we head off to clark quay flea market to find that it has fled. we found nothing, nada! then off to orchard street. we walked for half an hour, stood on a chinks head for half an hour. ate for 20 minutes. Came back home and swam.
sitting around discussing mother daughter-in-law situations! training for a not so distant future: How not to kill your mother in law.

okay i hate this post but im bored and writers block is descending upon me. I felt I might as well post this as I AM reporting LIVE from Singapore city!
yes I know it sucks!
dont care.
Actually, I do.
Will delete when I think of something better!
-signing off-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are by far the craziest person i have ever met.. and also the most amazing writer. you shall not delete!